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From the Back Mountain to the World—Crutch Dentist Lin Yi-Chao

Authors: Lin Yi-Chao, Ge Shi-Xuan
Publication Date: June 2022
Pages: 320
ISBN: 978-626-95047-5-6
Price: 500 NT$

    "Although God gave Lin Yi-Chao imperfect legs, He bestowed upon him a clever and loving brain. Lin Yi-Chao became the first student from Taipei's prestigious Cheng Kung Senior High School in Yuanlin Town, the first student from Taipei's National Defense Medical Center, and the first cane-using doctor to promote home medical care in the back mountains and practice medicine globally.
    The love of practicing medicine has made him whiter.
    The love of practicing medicine has made him more docile.
    The love of practicing medicine has made him stronger.
    Lin Yi-Chao crossed the mountain, carrying medical equipment, sending love to every indigenous tribe.
    Lin Yi-Chao crossed the island, carrying medical equipment, sending love to Orchid Island and Green Island.
    Lin Yi-Chao crossed the sea, carrying medical equipment, sending love to Qinghai, Tibet, and beyond.
    Lin Yi-Chao crossed borders, carrying medical equipment, sending love to India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Kenya, and more.
    Lin Yi-Chao bid farewell to "childhood without affording a 300 NT dollar vaccine," believing in the miracle of Jesus' resurrection.
    When Lin Yi-Chao interned at the Christian Hospital in Changhua, he encountered true love—nurse Zhu Yu-Fan. Hand in hand, they returned to their hometown, transcending dentistry. Fearlessly, they published a research report on "the relationship between betel nut and oral cancer," actively promoting the Good Dad Movement—founding the Love Dad Association, sincerely caring for humanity, and creating good teeth for everyone to chew bones with.
    Therefore, we sincerely invite everyone to hold a copy of "From the Back Mountains to the World." Lin Yi-Chao's every word and action contains infinite philosophical wisdom and wisdom of life, praising the grandeur of medical relief, expressing reflections on society, and witnessing the eternal love of life practice on the road.