Home>Service> Awardees of Fervent Global Love of Lives Award> 26th Fervent Global Love of Lives Award 2023
Edna Adan Ismail—A pioneer of women power in Africa.
Meena Asadi—A grand master of Afghan refugees in Indonesia.
Kohya Suechika—Japanese piano prodigy with autism.
Ami Vitale—American life-saving photographer
Fabrice Kapya—Doctor of Congolese Origin from South Africa
David Reyes—David King of Disability Rights in El Salvador
Dušan Krtolica—Serbian prodigy in the field of art
Chang,Qing—Goddess of the Chinese Mainland Desert
Li,Mu-Yun—Anguish Angel
Sun,Wei-Shiuan—I U Vie a cancer survivor with a doctoral degree.
Tsai,Cheng-Sheng and Liu,Ling-Wen—The master couple of Chuyan Potterywho have battled cancer.
Chang, Mu-Yen—A multitalented angel with a rare disease
Lu, Hsin-I-Hearing Impaired Transnational Cartoonist
Chuang, Hsiao-Ching - Multi-talented Angel with Mutiple Disorders