首頁 > 大觀服務> 希望獎章> 希望獎章雕塑涵義
主 辦:周大觀文教基金會 
 一、 以仰角的吹奏造型,象徵『熱愛生命、改過向上、自助助人、自立自強、努力向學、自我實現』,共奏希望樂章。 
 二、 受獎人以用盡丹田之力,將感恩之情,湧泉般的表達出來,感謝愛護幫助的人,以『希望樂章』之音傳播到社會。。 
 三、 雕塑造型的中空律動,代表由內心深處『全心全意』的感動,誠心誠意的改過向上、努力向學,不負大家的希望。 
 四、 以虛實鏤空的造型,象徵著周大觀基金會以『謙卑、慈愛』的精神,主辦『希望』獎章,喚起『熱愛生命』的希望。

The melody of hope Award
Sponsor : Chou, Ta-Kuan Cultural& Educational Foundation
Creator: Dr. Idea Chu
Material: Bronze
The meaning of the sculpture:
  1. Designed with the form of a playing-like of trumpet, symbolizing the one who make unremitting efforts to improve and fulfill himself / herself.
  2. Conveying the heartfelt gratitude of the one who won the award.
  3. Designing with an empty form in the middlemost part, implicating the merciful and modest spirit of the Chou Ta-Kuan Foundation. The foundation aims to serve the disadvantages and commend those people for being brave or successful. They disseminate to the society that what really count in life are the love and hope.